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Monday, February 23, 2009

Burn-Your-Mouth-Off Salad

This was made by my sister-in-law but is very blog worthy. For a wintery winter, I haven't been making a lot of green salads. So this was refreshing, but also face melting due to it's extremely high proportion of raw garlic present in the salad!!

Garlic is just amazing!! It's an antibiotic, antimicrobial, antifungus, antiparasitic, .. need I go on? It just drives stuff out of the body, typical of all pungent foods. Ever notice that when you eat a pungent food (like garlic, or horseradish) that the energy in our body seems to ascend and go outwards? This is the nature of pungent food - so if you have something that you want to drive out of you, use pungent foods!! A cold is a good example too.. a little bug is trying to hide out in our body, and raw garlic just drives it right out of the body... at first, but if you continuously do it, it can have a reversed effect. So, pungent foods in moderation are excellent. A refreshing salad with greens and chick peas are a perfect thing to accompany some hell-inspired raw garlic to drive out the baddies in your digestive tract, and depending on how well you digest the fiery fall root, it might clean out your colon too.

It has such potency for eliminating garbage from the body, that it is often too strong for people with hard-working livers. Signs of a hard-working liver might include flatulence and digestive discomfort after eating raw onions or garlic. The best solution?: don't eat them!! You can cook them, and it will help, but until your liver has done it's work and is able to relax, avoiding pungent white vegetables might be helpful. If it doesn't bother your digestion, then the white "spicy" root veggies like the aforementioned onion and garlic are nicely stimulating for the liver - creating a "get up and go" feeling, stimulating the body, blood, mind and qi.

So there you go - a whole blurb about garlic, and that's all I've got, as I have no clue how this salad was made. There were chick peas and greens and a magnificent dressing that only sister Krista can make, and so I'll leave it at that. Oh yes, carrots and cashews I can see in there as well...  AWESOME SALAD!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Home-style Brown Rice Bake

Ooh! This tasted better than it looked, simply because it was in the oven for a LONG time, and little veggies and grains tend to get a little extra brown around the outside making it look not so fresh, but the cooking time in the dish made it a yummy ray of digestive qi emanating from that delightful cooking pot (all ceramic, which means stove and oven proof).

Cook some brown rice on the stove top with 2:1 water (so 2 cups water for 1 cup rice)

Sautee in veggies with some oil:

Once soft add the cooked rice and stir.

Crack in 2 eggs and stir those in until mixed and scrambly.

Add black pepper, nuts, beans, whatever, and a little tamari to richen it.
Pop it into the oven and let it bake for a while!! If company is coming over in an hour, set the oven low and check on it, but if dinner is waiting, you don't need to bake it, or pop it in the oven for a very short time at moderate heat (375F?)

Garnish with fresh herbs like parsley if you wish!! It might make it look "fresher" looking if it's been in the oven for a while!

Sautee in the pan the veggies. Add

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Goose Poop Sandwich

Doesn't this look like s#!+?

Well, it's home-made, and I know what you're thinking. I don't own any geese, or wild animals for that matter. This treat does looks weird... but I guess, yeah, it was weird - but pretty good!!

So I was in the mood for bitter and building. Why bitter? It reduces things, or at least gives it a descending nature, and I wanted something to bring me down a notch and solidify my base. So this I did.

What did I do to create this messy snack food that I need not worry about running to the patent office with due to its gastly appearance?

First I ground up some almonds (let's pretend they were soaked and then drained/dried, as I usually do, but I actually forgot in this case), along with.. well heck, I'll just write down the recipe for you:

Grind in a magic bullet/mini-mill thingy
-black sesame seeds
-raw cacao nibs
-flax seeds (brown ones)
-goat colostrum... yep, threw that in there to make it a "SUPER FOOD".. colostrum is my new superfood, I don't think science has got a whiff of it yet, and so I'm glad so it's not abused and on every product in the health section of the grocery store.. like acai... that word makes me gag due to it's over-popularity.. it's a berry for crying out loud!! It's not gold.. anyways, I digress..

Blend that super fibery weird mess in the mill until it's pasty. Add:
-flax oil
-molasses (all I had on hand, not by choice, otherwise I would've used yacon)
-drop of goat milk to make it a little liquidy

Blend again (put this time it will be buttery and mushy)

Dollop the goop out onto a rice cake or something not-bitter (that would just overload the bitter senses of your tongue) and prepare for some building and grounding. It would actually make a lovely Yin tonic for women just after, or during their menses. The black colour in food magically replenishes blood and gives us some support during this time.

Also, don't forget that I made this whole thing up (like alot of things), so if you want to play with it, try anything. Just grind up stuff, add some oil, .. and spices go nicely too, like cinnamon,.. eh voila!!  Goose poop.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Potato and Carrot Gratin

This was too easy and a little too comforting as well. Comfort food to the bone!

Slice potatoes and root veggies (in this case onion and carrot, but Jerusalem artichoke works too) and put them in a mixing bowl. Using a mandoline makes slicing these guys easy, but you can use a knife too - just be careful!

Preheat the oven to 350F. Combine the veggies with olive oil, garlic, rosemary and salt and pepper. Lay this mixture in a casserole dish (as shown). Then pour the soup stock over the mixture and bake for 1 hour or soft. 

Take the dish out of the oven and cover it with cheese. Bring the oven up to 400F and bake for 10 minutes more!
We ate it with brown rice.. yum yum!

Easy to follow recipe:

Slice 'em up:
Some potatoes
Some onions
Some carrots or other roots
Some garlic

Mix in:
3 Tbsp olive oil, or more
2 tsp. rosemary (less if it's dried)
salt & pepper

Pour over:
1-1/4 cup soup stock or white wine (you might need more)

Add when cooked to finish:
1/2 cup grated cheese.. like parmesan or something bold and pungent!

Herbs to dress it up later? I'll leave that up to you!! Garnish as you wish!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Poo Balls

Eat these and then poo them out.

1/2 cup sesame seeds
1/3 cup honey or yacon
2 Tbsp raw sunflower seeds
2 Tbsp tahini or almond butter
1/2 cup ground flax
1/8 tsp salt
1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut, plus more for garnish
1 tsp vanilla
1-2 Tbsp carob or cocoa powder

Pulse sunflower seeds in a blender or food processor into a rough powder. Combine all ingredients into a stiff and slightly crumbly dough. Press into balls and roll in the extra shredded coconut. Eat em and poop em out!

Gut Feelings

The colon is one of the hardest working organs in the human body. It absorbs water and nutrients and eliminates waste that our body no longer needs. From the moment we take our first bite of food, our body starts the digestion process in our mouth, then down to the stomach, small intestines and finalizing the process in our colon. Not a lot of thought is given to this amazing activity, but when you think about turning food into energy that supports and nourishes our body, and the fact that this happens without our effort, it deserves to be praised. Our colon wants us to talk about it, it wants to be nourished, and it wants to stay healthy and moving. There are several ways of doing this, first, talk about your colon to your friends and family and see if they are feeling connected with their colons. This is the first step of colon awareness. Next, think about what your colon does for you everyday, it absorbs and eliminates. Notice what kind of message it is trying to send to you, if it is a nice long lengthy letter with lots of content, then it is happy, if it is sending you a brief memo that is slim on details and is lacking in interest, then maybe it needs some attention, if you are getting morse code, sputtering, lots of breaks, one word stuttering, more than likely your bowels are in need of some serious maintenance. Sometimes, the colon does some whispering or shouting, sometimes this happens in the most inopportune times, such as a movie theater or while giving a speech in front of hundreds of people. This could indicate an upcoming bowel movement or it could indicate some putrefaction of poorly digested foods. Usually if the paint is coming of the wall or you want to run away from yourself, this indicates poor absorption of vital nutrients and that food is actually rotting in your gut. Poor food combining, overeating and eating too many processed foods can be the result of Armageddon-like gas. To improve the output of your colon and eliminate destructive vapors, eat things that your whole body benefits from especially your colon. Fiber rich foods such as whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruits provide the colon with what it needs. Fiber is like nature’s toothbrush, it scrubs away built up plaque in the intestines and keeps things moving along. Fiber also absorbs water and provides moisture to the colon which helps in absorption of nutrients and formation of waste matter. Our gut holds the key in our overall health and well being, the large intestines holds trillions of bacteria known as probiotics (life sustaining), and comprises 60-70% of our immune defense. Disease, illness, fatigue, allergies (including food), brain fog to name a few are directly related to the health of the colon. If you find you are suffering from one or many of these maladies, it is a good indication that your colon is in distress and in need of support. There are many ways to help your colon perform at it’s ultimate potential, see the next page for our handy guide to having healthy bowels!! SC

Let’s Talk About You... and Your Poo

Everyone always gets the giggles when I start talking about poo. Stool, as it is more formally known, is rarely talked about and usually disregarded, but is an important aspect when considering our health. Why? Because it is the solid waste that comes out of us.

We are so focused on what we put into our bodies, we forget to consider what comes out, or rather, what stays in - which is most important. It’s crucial that our wastes are properly eliminated, because what we don’t eliminate hangs around in our bowels and putrefies, creating poisonous gasses, parasites, and destroying our delicate intestinal tissues. Not only is our colon affected, but the permeable bowel is a site of absorption (a healthy colon produces some vitamins!), which means an unhealthy colon also leeches out poisons into our blood. This poisonous blood is a tax on our immune system as well as our liver, and when the poisons are collected and sent for excretion, they end up back in our colon, where we can potentially reabsorb them. It’s like holding in a fart - the gas actually goes into our body, making us a little sick, and then gets recollected and brought back down to the colon. This continuous loop of poison hangs around in people for years and years, aging them dramatically and just making them sicker and sicker. Now you see why it’s important to have good bowel movements, we have to get stuff out so we don’t poison ourselves!! (Which is called autointoxication).

How do we know if we are fully evacuating our bowels every time we go number two? Whenever we have a bowel movement that requires excessive wiping, in other words, if your stool is sticky and requires a lot of clean up, then assume that your colon got lined with that same sticky residue as it passed through your bowels. Multiply that by the number of times you go to the bathroom, and suddenly you start to build up a thick coating of hardened residual feces in your colon that is very difficult to move. As this rubbery coated tube of impacted feces accumulates, your body tries harder and harder to get rid of it, resulting in an irritable bowel, diarrhea or cramping. So what might seem like chronic diarrhea, is actually a very deep form of constipation, as the real problem is the impacted feces that cannot be eliminated! Like I said before, this hardened, caked-on feces is a primary site for infection, parasites, gasses, but can lead to cancer, diverticulitis, polyps, and leaky gut syndrome. The only real, and likely solution to these problems then is to get rid of the hardened feces.

The result of colon cleansing, and the graphic images resulting from it are so dramatic, people cannot believe their eyes. Literally, yards of rope-like, fecal mass come out of the body, weighing in pounds - that’s right, even up to 15 pounds of feces could be impacted without our knowing, and contributing to that extra weight around your midsection. Where this level of colon cleansing needs to be done with a professional, you can start today with very gentle cleansing by improving your diet that can be done over time, or at least will start preventing the accumulation of these residues and slowly break them down.

Meat is probably the number one problem for sticky stools, in all my vegetarian days, and especially vegan - I have never experienced a “sticky” or mucky stool. Animal flesh simply has no fiber and is very gummy. However, that’s not to say that meat should be avoided - it’s just best avoided if the aforementioned problems are a concern, usually if the eater isn’t eating enough plant based foods which contain a lot of fiber. Fiber, and water, are the keys to healthy bowels. Fiber is the part of the plant that cannot be broken down, and so is passed through the colon, acting like a gentle brush that sweeps the intestinal lining and preventing the build up of residues. Fiber is found in ALL unrefined plant based foods - and I say unrefined because when grains are refined, it is always the straw-like fiber that is first milled away, making refined grains the second biggest problem in sluggish bowels. Just like white flour can easily make paper-mache, so can it gum up our bowels, making them sticky, gluey and leaving slimy residues all the way along your insides. As there are two kinds of fiber, we’ll call them hard and soft, all sorts of plant based foods should be eaten, not just bran, which is a very “hard” fiber that can actually scratch and hurt an inflamed colon if not eaten with enough “soft” fiber, predominately found in vegetables, such as a potato. So some high fiber foods to make perfect stools include:
beans and legumes
nuts and seeds
grains (always whole)
all fruits and vegetables (although fruit can sometimes provoke infections if present)

Interestingly, this list contains all of the plant-based foods, like I said, they all have them, just eating enough of them is the trick. I suppose seaweeds should be included in the list as well, but their fiber is negligible, but is very moistening for the bowels and assists in the physiological functions. A standard North American diet is at least half animal based, and I’m willing to bet the other half entirely refined with very little vegetables in the diet. This leaves very little fiber to take out the trash. A minimum 25-35 g of daily, dietary fiber is recommended, but most north americans consume only 50% to as little as 20% of these numbers. What does a whole food nutritionist eat? About 50 g of fiber in a day, simply because all of my food is rich in fiber. Fiber has countless benefits besides just healthy stools, making a plant-based, fiber rich diet exceptionally healthy.

How much stool should we be producing? Here’s a brief guide to help you:
2 fingers width
forearm length
banana like consistency, but easily broken apart upon agitation
natural curve to it (not straight and rigid)
2 to 3 times a day (or after each meal)
not painful to pass, nor urgent, nor straining - it should be passed easily

Considering the majority of people have one bowel movement per day, and a huge percentage have one less than every 3 days, I’d say we have a constipation problem in our country! And we do, laxatives are a $350 million dollar business and sales are going up!! Especially with the increase of a carb-less diet, and the increase of meats and cheeses in the diet, making the bowels even worse. Source here.

Another cause of constipation is stress, which tenses up our muscles and keeps things in. Relaxation is key to eliminating, which is why eating when relaxed, and digesting in a relaxed manner helps the bowels along wonderfully. Interestingly, in times of economic down turn, laxative sales go up from the stress (and poor diet?), and when the economy is booming, deodorant sales go up, I suppose from all the partying! Source here.

One last aspect to healthy bowels is movement. The body forms good consistent stools when the body is in motion. Whether you’re on your feet at work, or going for a stroll at night, activity greatly helps the bowels along, and I can attest to that as I’ve attended a 10 day retreat where I remained seated for the entire duration, making my bowel movements very irregular and scarce despite the high fiber diet I was eating. Lemons are what saved the day for me, the sour flavour has a contracting nature that aided the bowels when I needed it. For some, licking a little salt helps the impetus, or bitter, as in a coffee or bitter herb tonic. Japanese finish off their meals with a salty, sour ferment, and in some European countries, a bitter bite or beverage finishes off a meal nicely. But above all, as always, do NOT overeat, as this greatly stagnates the system and the bowels. Good luck and happy pooping!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Breakfast of Champions

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day.  I see many people in the morning make the mad dash out of their front door to their car with a large mug of coffee and a bagel clenched between their teeth.  Coffee and simplified carbs wont be able to sustain you for very long and eating on the run can give you the runs or stop traffic in your end.  Making yourself a nourishing breakfast is a great way to start your day and to support great digestive fire throughout the whole day.  Here is a breakfast of Champions, filled with protein, vitamins and nutrients.
Start by heating a small dollop of ghee in a heavy skillet (you can also use unrefined sesame oi)
saute a handful of thinly sliced onions until just cooked through
add a handful of chopped collard green or swiss chard
add diced shiitake or crimini mushrooms
add 1/4 cup of tomato, either fresh or canned organic diced tomatoes, with a bit of juice
put in some dried oregano, fennel, or thyme to your taste
salt and pepper to taste
add 2 whisked eggs with a pinch of salt to skillet when vegetables are cooked through
mix everything together and stir until eggs are done

Serve with saurkraut, and half of an avocado, with dulse, lemon and hemp oil
put a pinch of cayenne on your eggs or use your favorite hot sauce. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ethiopian Excitement

My first time sampling Ethiopian food! Shazam!

Sharla treated us to this delectable dish and my taste buds were thoroughly impressed!
Served on "injera" a flat, spongey bread made of teff flour, we had our nosh in little piles ready to be eaten with our hands, using the injera. So neat!

Whole foods to a 'T', we ate beans, veggies, and grain sides that I still haven't wrapped my mind around yet (but my injera had no problems wrapping around it... neither did my mouth), I think I have to do some research into traditional Ethiopian cooking as this was just too good to be real.. but it was,. I assure you!! These pictures are real!! I hope we go back next time I'm in Chicago, I'll take some more pictures and blog again.