I always think of the colon as party central, there are billions of bacteria living in the colon that support proper elimination and absorption of nutrients. They also boost our immune system by fending off certain pathogens and germs. These bacteria strains are known as probiotics and are the key to ultimate health and longevity. Sometimes a good party can turn bad, layering on greasy fried foods, processed and sugary foods, overeating and bad food combinations crashes the good vibe feeling and the once fun filled party is turned into a demolition bonanza that sadly leads to severe colon hangover. Your post party colon is left to deal with flatulence, sporadic movements, and smelly logs. How do you keep the good party going you ask?...well, start with inoculating your bowels with rejuvelac! Rejuvelac is a fermented drink that literally rejuvenates and supports your gut. It is one of the easiest and healthiest beverages to make. You can make rejuvelac with most any grain, it is most commonly made with wheat berries, but I have made it with kamut, rye, and barley.
Here is how to make your own rejuvenating party drink:
Soak about 1-1 1/2 cups of wheat berries or other hearty grain in enough cold water to cover by 1 inch in a sprouting jar with a mesh screen or any large jar
soak 8 hours or overnight
drain and rinse the grain, make sure all excess liquid is removed, you do not want your grains to be sitting in water
rinse your grain once or twice a day, to ensure proper moisture
your grain will start to sprout, once the sprout is a little longer than the seed itself, fill the jar back up with filtered water
set the jar on your counter or on a shelf away from direct sunlight
check the jar daily, once it is bubbly and smells sweet and fermented it is ready!
strain and pour into a clean jar or pitcher, keep in the fridge for up to 1 week.
Reserve the sprouted grain for crackers, cookies (see banana kamut cookie recipe below)
or for a yummy Mana loaf (sprouted bread)
Enjoy your Rejuvelac and party on!